4 Hand Massage

4 hand massage that involves 2 therapists working together.
They are mirrors each other with one taking a lead and other follows

60 Min $180

Hot Aroma Massage

We use fragrant essential oils from flowers, herbs and fruits. It is something used in combination with massage which is good for someone who never been massage before.

30 Min $60
45 Min $75
60 Min $90
90 Min $140

Oriental Foot Spa & Relaxing massage

This massage is for feet and lower legs. Thai foot massage is deeply relaxing.
It has elements of Shiatsu, with balms, fingers thumbs and knuckles to work the feet.

30 Min $60
45 Min $75
60 Min $90
90 Min $140

Oriental Facial & Relaxing Massage

This is a wonderful massage therapy treatment for everyone its gentle massage
plumps skin. The fusion of these is good for the facial muscles,
easing tension, smoothing away lines.

(Cleaning+ Scrub + Face massage +Mask + Moisture)

30 Min $70
45 Min $85
60 Min $100
90 Min $150

Remedial Massage

A sport massage ideal to treats injuries and a treatment with the muscle
and connective tissue.

30 Min $70
45 Min $85
60 Min $100
90 Min $150

Thai Combination Massage

This massage is good for you who stressed and tired. We use Thai Traditional
massage first, stretching Then following by soft relaxing
after we fresh up with the warm towel.

30 Min $60
45 Min $75
60 Min $90
90 Min $140

Traditional Thai massage

This massage is Thai Style that involves stretching.
No oil use perform for Thai massage. It is literally the ancient manner of massage
It helps and relieve tension with strong pressure.

30 Min $60
45 Min $75
60 Min $90
90 Min $140

Balinese Massage

It is a full body, holistic treatment that combines acupressure.
It helps ease muscular and joint pain.

30 Min $60
45 Min $75
60 Min $90
90 Min $140

Siam Queena Thai Herbal Compress

It induces relaxation, relieves stress and improves circulation blood.

60 Min $100
90 Min $150

Hot Stone Massage

We use heat stones on their hands and putting them around the body and
on tight muscles to relives the tension.

60 Min $100
90 Min $150